Renewable Natural Resources Research Center

The Renewable Natural Resources Research Center was established under the misleading of the General Authority for Agricultural Research and Extension in Dhamar according to the Ministerial Resolution No. (30) issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources on 2/8/1997 AD, based on the Yemeni government's interests in establishing specialized research centers, especially on an important vital topic related to The center aims to manage and maintain renewable natural resources. The aim of establishing the center was to design and conduct scientific research in this field.
The center is a competent national institution capable of carrying out qualitative studies and research at all levels (national, regional and local), and in line with the directions of national plans and programs, with the aim of promoting sustainable management of natural resources and empowering and involving those concerned in preserving natural resources and planning their uses for various purposes by drawing Policies and taking the necessary decisions to bring about positive changes that lead to sustainable use of these natural resources that are essential to human life and food security.
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